Search term quote has 14 results
EN English NL Dutch
quote (v) [price] opgeven (v) {n} [price]
quote noemen
quote (v) [example] aanhalen (v) [example]
quote (v) [statement] aanhalen (v) [statement]
quote (v) [example] aanvoeren (v) [example]
quote (v) [statement] aanvoeren (v) [statement]
quote (v) [example] citeren (v) [example]
quote (v) [statement] citeren (v) [statement]
quote (v) [price] noteren (v) [price]
quote (n) [estimation] prijsopgave (n) {m} [estimation]
quote (n) [estimation] prijsoffferte (n) {m} [estimation]
quote (n) [statement] citaat (n) {n} [statement]
quote (n) [statement] aanhaling (n) {f} [statement]
quote (n) [statement] quotatie (n) {f} [statement]
EN Synonyms for quote NL Translations
allude to [refer to a source] (formal anspel
excerpt [refer to a source] utdrag {n}
mention [refer to a source] omtala
point out [refer to a source] utpeka
enumerate [refer to a source] räkna upp
cite [refer to a source] instämma
select [extract] utvälja
cull [extract] plocka
enforce [resort to] tvinga fram
implement [resort to] införa
appeal to [resort to] åberopa sig på
bid [resort to] bjöd
effect [resort to] effekt (u)
refer to [resort to] åberopa
invoke [resort to] åkalla
evaluate [language] utvärdera
review [language] tidskrift (u)
recite [language] uppläsa
price [language] pris {n}
rate [language] värde {n}