Search term pung has 9 results
SV Swedish EN English
pung (u) pouch
pung (n) [känguru] (u) pouch (n) [känguru]
pung (n) [tobak] (u) pouch (n) [tobak]
pung (u) purse
pung (u) scrotum
pung (n) [anatomi] (u) scrotum (n) [anatomi]
pung (n) [the bag of the skin and muscle that contains the testicles] (u) scrotum (n) [the bag of the skin and muscle that contains the testicles]
pung (n) [kläder] (u) sporran (n) [kläder]
pung (u) pounch

Swedish English translations

SV Synonyms for pung EN Translations
väska [säck] (bāo)
kasse [säck] (u (bāo)
var [säck] n 哪兒
påse [säck] (u (bāo)
scrotum [scrotum] 陰襄
säck [påse] (u (bāo)