Search term neither has 8 results
EN English SV Swedish
neither (o) [adverb] inte heller (o) [adverb]
neither (a) [determiner] ingen (a) [determiner]
neither (o) [pronoun - objects] ingen (o) [pronoun - objects]
neither (o) [pronoun - persons] ingen (o) [pronoun - persons]
neither (a) [determiner] ingendera (a) [determiner]
EN English SV Swedish
neither (o) [pronoun - objects] ingendera (o) [pronoun - objects]
neither (o) [pronoun - persons] ingendera (o) [pronoun - persons]
neither varken
EN Synonyms for neither SV Translations
but [part of speech] nýbrž
conjunction [part of speech] shoda
and [part of speech] ale
for [part of speech] po dobu (prep)
although [part of speech] i když
no-one [person] nikdo
none [person] žádný
nonentity [person] (pej. nebytí
nobody [person] nikoho