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EN English SV Swedish
blowing blåsa (u)
EN Synonyms for blowing SV Translations
flying [moving in air] flygning (u)
drifting [moving in air] drift (u)
flapping [moving in air] vajande {n}
waving [moving in air] svallande
fluttering [moving in air] vajande {n}
whipping [moving in air] vispande
blasting [movement of air] sprängning (u)
blustering [movement of air] rasande
gasping [movement of air] flåsande
panting [movement of air] flåsande
breathing [movement of air] andning (u)
breeze [current of air] bris (u)
puff [current of air] (informal vindstöt (u)
gust [current of air] by (u)
wind [current of air] vrida
seepage [current of air] läckage {n}
draught [current of air] drag {n}
gusty [nature] stormig
blustery [nature] blåsig
stormy [nature] stormig