English Swedish
New Wave music Nya vågen
New Wave of British Heavy Metal New Wave of British Heavy Metal
New World Nya världen
New World porcupine Trädpiggsvin
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures Nya världens bibelöversättning
New World vulture Nya världens gamar
New World warbler Nya världens skogssångare
New Year nyår
New Year card nyårskort
New Year's Day nyårsdag
New Year's Eve nyårsafton
New Year`s Day nyårsdagen
New Year`s Eve nyårsafton
New Year’s Day Nyår
New York New York
New York Americans New York Americans
New York City New York
New York City Ballet New York City Ballet
New York City Fire Department New York City Fire Department
New York City Police Department New York City Police Department
New York City Subway New Yorks tunnelbana
New York Cosmos New York Cosmos
New York Dolls New York Dolls
New York Giants New York Giants
New York Islanders New York Islanders
New York Jets New York Jets
New York Knicks New York Knicks
New York Mets New York Mets
New York Minute En galen dag i New York
New York Post New York Post
New York Public Library New York Public Library
New York Rangers New York Rangers
New York School New York-skolan
New York Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange
New York University New York University
New York Yankees New York Yankees
New Zealand Nya Zeeland
New Zealand dollar Nyzeeländsk dollar
New Zealand Fur Seal Nyzeeländsk pälssäl
New Zealand House of Representatives Deputeradekammaren
New Zealand Labour Party Labourpartiet
New Zealand Sea Lion Hookers sjölejon
New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands Nya Zeelands subantarktiska öar
New Zealand whaler Kopparhaj
New Zeland Nya Zeeland
new-born nyfödd
New-Brunswick New Brunswick
New-Caledonia Nya Kaledonien
new-comer nykommling
new-fangled nymodig
new-fashioned nymodigt
new-fledged nyfjädrad
New-Flemish Alliance Ny-Flamländska Alliansen
new-laid färsk
new-mown nyklippt
New-Zealand Nya Zeeland
Newark New Jersey
Newark Liberty International Airport Newark Liberty International Airport
Newark-on-Trent Newark-on-Trent
newborn nyfödd
Newburyport Newburyport
Newcastle Newcastle
Newcastle University Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle-upon-Tyne
newcomer nykomling