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sanction (n v) [approval, by an authority, that makes something valid] са́нкция (n v) [approval, by an authority, that makes something valid] (n v)
EN Synonyms for sanction RU Translations
acceptance [certification] aanvaarding
let [permission] laat
pass [permission] verbykom
allow [permission] laat
authorisation [authorization] magtiging
leave [authorization] verlof
confirm [authorise] erken
certify [authorise] sertifiseer
force [obligate] mag
bind [obligate] bind
back [approve] terug
liberty [authority] vryheid
sentence [penalty] sin
punishment [penalty] straf
command [order] gebod
proclamation [order] verklaring
declaration [order] verklaring
rule [endorse] regeer
recognise [endorse] herken
commission [justification] opdrag