English Dutch
Antennaria Antennaria
Antennaria dioica Rozenkransje
Antenor Antenor
Anteosaurus Anteosaurus
anterior vroeger
Anterior chamber Voorste oogkamer
anteroom voorkamer
Anteros Anteros
Antevorte Romeinse mythologie
Antey-Saint-André Antey-Saint-André
anthem hymne
Anthem of the Byelorussian SSR Volkslied van de Wit-Russische SSR
Anthem of the Latvian SSR Volkslied van de Letse SSR
Anthem of the Republic of Adygea Hymne van de Adygea
Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan Volkslied van Kazachstan
Anthem Without a Title Volkslied zonder titel
Anthemis arvensis Valse kamille
Anthemis cotula Stinkende kamille
Anthemis tinctoria Gele kamille
Anthemius Anthemius van Rome
Anthemountas Anthemountas
Anthems of Rebellion Anthems of Rebellion
anther helmknop
Antheraea polyphemus Antheraea polyphemus
Anthericum liliago Grote graslelie
Anthiinae Vlaggenbaarsje
anthill mierenhoop
Anthim the Iberian Antim Iverianul
Anthocyanin Anthocyaan
Anthocyanins Anthocyaan
anthology anthologie
Anthomyiidae Koolvlieg
Anthonie van Noordt Anthonie van Noordt
Anthony Antonius
Anthony Adverse Anthony Adverse
Anthony Burgess Anthony Burgess
Anthony Caro Anthony Caro
Anthony Daniels Theodore Dalrymple
Anthony Davidson Anthony Davidson
Anthony Eden Anthony Eden
Anthony Fokker Anthony Fokker
Anthony Giddens Anthony Giddens
Anthony Hamilton Anthony Hamilton
Anthony Hopkins Anthony Hopkins
Anthony Kiedis Anthony Kiedis
Anthony Maria Zaccaria Antonius Maria Zaccaria
Anthony Mary Claret Antonius Maria Claret
Anthony McAuliffe Anthony McAuliffe
Anthony of Padua Antonius van Padua
Anthony of Saxony Anton van Saksen
Anthony Perkins Anthony Perkins
Anthony Quinn Anthony Quinn
Anthony Robbins Tony Robbins
Anthony Sawoniuk Anthony Sawoniuk
Anthony Stafford Beer Anthony Stafford Beer
Anthony the Great Antonius van Egypte
Anthony Trollope Anthony Trollope
Anthony van Diemen Antonio van Diemen
Anthony van Dyck Antoon van Dyck
Anthony Šerić Anthony Šerić
Anthophyllite Anthofylliet
Anthousa Anthousa
Anthoxanthum odoratum Gewoon reukgras
anthozoans anthozoa