Search term understand has 19 results
EN English IT Italian
understand (v) [think] immaginare (v) [think]
understand intendersi {Ü|it|}
understand (v) [appreciate] rendersi conto di (v) [appreciate]
understand (v) [catch on] arrivare a capire (v) [catch on]
understand (v) [meaning] percepire (v) [meaning]
understand (v) [meaning] afferrare (v) [meaning]
understand (v) [catch on] afferrare (v) [catch on]
understand (v) [to be aware of the meaning of] intendere (v) [to be aware of the meaning of]
understand (v) [meaning] intendere (v) [meaning]
understand (v) [to be aware of the meaning of] capire (v) [to be aware of the meaning of]
understand (v) [think] capire (v) [think]
understand (v) [meaning] capire (v) [meaning]
understand (v) [appreciate] capire (v) [appreciate]
understand capire
understand (v) [think] pensare (v) {m} [think]
understand (v) [to be aware of the meaning of] comprendere (v) [to be aware of the meaning of]
understand (v) [meaning] comprendere (v) [meaning]
understand comprendere
understand intendere
EN Synonyms for understand IT Translations
interpret [interpretation] tradurre
appreciate [interpretation] gradito
conclude [interpretation] concludersi
accept [interpretation] assùmere
realize [be aware of] ottenere
comprehend [be aware of] comprendere
sense [be aware of] sensazione {f}
conceive [be aware of] concepire
detect [be aware of] individuare
acknowledge [be aware of] accusare ricevuta
perceive [comprehend] avvedersi
recognise [comprehend] ravvisare
recognize [comprehend] apprezzare
grasp [comprehend] stretta {f}
see [comprehend] diocesi {f}
follow [comprehend] inseguire {m}
apprehend [comprehend] catturare
deduce [activity] dedurre
steal [activity] involare
take [activity] pigliare