Search term damaging has 8 results
EN English IT Italian
damaging (a) [body] dannoso (a) [body]
damaging (adj) [harmful, injurious, that damages] dannoso (adj) [harmful, injurious, that damages]
damaging (a) [health] dannoso (a) [health]
damaging (a) [body] nocivo (a) [body]
damaging (a) [health] nocivo (a) [health]
EN English IT Italian
damaging (a) [body] pregiudizievole (a) [body]
damaging lesivo
damaging (adj) [harmful, injurious, that damages] lesivo (adj) [harmful, injurious, that damages]
EN Synonyms for damaging IT Translations
detrimental [attribution] prejudicial
harmful [attribution] danoso
injurious [attribution] (formal lesivor-se
deleterious [attribution] deletério (adj)
pernicious [attribution] (formal pernicioso ao final
bad [attribution] mauco clínico
noxious [health] nocivo
dangerous [health] perigoso
poisonous [health] tóxico
nasty [health] sujoz
malignant [malevolent] maligno
spiteful [malevolent] rancoroso
opprobrious [malevolent] (formal ultrajante
destructive [harmful] destrutivo
hurtful [harmful] maldoso
ruinous [harmful] ruinoso (adj)
malevolent [opprobrious] malevolente