Search term correction has 5 results
EN English IT Italian
correction (n) [act of correcting] correzione (n) {f} [act of correcting]
correction (n) [rectification] correzione (n) {f} [rectification]
correction (n) [rectification] rettifica (n) {f} [rectification]
correction riforma {f}
correction emendazione
EN Synonyms for correction IT Translations
improvement [alteration] amelioratie {f}
reformation [alteration] hervorming {f}
revision [alteration] herziening {f}
amendment [alteration] amendement {n}
amelioration [editing] (formal amelioratie {f}
emendation [editing] correctie {f}
fix [means] nauwkeurig bepalen
repair [means] verhelpen
restoration [means] restauratie {f}
rectification [means] (formal rechtzetting {f}
doctor [means] doctor {m}
mend [means] oplappen {n}
reorganization [result of correcting] reorganisatie {f}
alteration [result of correcting] aanpassing {f}
reconstruction [result of correcting] reconstructie {f}
review [result of correcting] recensie {f}
removal [result of correcting] verwijdering {f}
reparation [revising] (formal vergoeding {f}
redress [revising] (formal redresseren
penalty [punishment] straf {m}