Search term fall off has 3 results
EN English FR French
fall off (v) [become less] diminuer (v) [become less]
fall off (v) [become less] tomber (v) [become less]
fall off (v) [become less] baisser (v) [become less]

EN FR Translations for fall

fall (n) [prices] baisse (n) {f} [prices]
fall (n) [temperature] baisse (n) {f} [temperature]
fall tomber
fall (v) [government] tomber (v) [government]
fall (v) [intransitive] tomber (v) [intransitive]
fall (v) [night] tomber (v) [night]
fall (v) [prices] tomber (v) [prices]
fall (v) [time] tomber (v) [time]
fall (v) [prices] baisser (v) [prices]
fall (v n) [act of moving in gas or vacuum under the effect of gravity from a point to a lower point] chute (v n) {f} [act of moving in gas or vacuum under the effect of gravity from a point to a lower point]

EN FR Translations for off

off (o) [person] absent (o) {m} [person]
EN Synonyms for fall off FR Translations
decay [decline] carie {f}
languish [decline] s'affaiblir
decrease [decline] disparaître graduellement
sink [decline] évier {m}
wane [decline] s'amoindrir
ebb [decline] reflux {m}
lessen [worsen] adoucir
degenerate [worsen] dégénérer