Search term work to death has 2 results
EN English ES Spanish
work to death (v) [work] matarse trabajando (v) [work]
work to death (v) [work] agotar (v) [work]

EN ES Translations for work

work ocupacion
work (n) [employment] puesto (n) {m} [employment]
work empleo {m}
work (n) [business company] empleo (n) {m} [business company]
work (n) [employment] empleo (n) {m} [employment]
work (v) [general] trabajar (v) [general]
work (n) [assignment] trabajo (n) {m} [assignment]
work (n) [business company] trabajo (n) {m} [business company]
work (n) [employment] trabajo (n) {m} [employment]
work (n) [general] trabajo (n) {m} [general]

EN ES Translations for to

to (o) [time] menos (o) [time]
to a
to (o) [causing] a (o) [causing]
to (o) [destination] a (o) [destination]
to (o) [direction] a (o) [direction]
to (o) [general] a (o) [general]
to (o) [in honor of] a (o) [in honor of]
to (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
to (o) [indirect object] a (o) [indirect object]
to (o) [general] con respecto a (o) [general]

EN ES Translations for death

death muerte {f}
death (n) [decease] muerte (n) {f} [decease]
death (n) [funeral] muerte (n) {f} [funeral]
death (n) [decease] fallecimiento (n) {m} [decease]
death (n) [funeral] pérdida (n) {f} [funeral]
death (n) [accident - man] fatalidad (n) {f} [accident - man]
death (n) [accident - woman] fatalidad (n) {f} [accident - woman]
death (n) [Tarot] la muerte (n) [Tarot] (n)
death (n) [Tarot] el arcano de la muerte (n) [Tarot] (n)