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ES Spanish EN English
parecerse resemble
parecerse (v) [to be like or similar to something else] resemble (v) [to be like or similar to something else]
parecerse (v) [to approach each other] converge (v) [to approach each other]

Spanish English translations

ES Synonyms for parecerse EN Translations
concordar [coincidir] agree
corresponder [coincidir] correspond
conectar [coincidir] connect
aproximarse [coincidir] approach
asemejarse [coincidir] resemble
identificarse [semejar] identify oneself
sacar [semejarse] withdraw
manifestar [semejarse] evince (formal)
heredar [semejarse] bequeath (formal)
semejar [asemejarse] resemble
asimilar [asemejarse] assimilate
inclinarse [asemejarse] bow
ajustarse [equivaler] correspond
valer [equivaler] avail (literature)