Search term unanimity has 8 results
EN English DE German
unanimity (formal) Einvernehmen {n}
unanimity (n) [general] (formal) Einigkeit (n) {f} [general]
unanimity (n) [general] (formal) Einmütigkeit (n) {f} [general]
unanimity (formal) Einstimmigkeit (f)
unanimity (n) [The condition of complete agreement by all parties, the state of being unanimous] (formal) Einstimmigkeit (n) [The condition of complete agreement by all parties, the state of being unanimous] (f)
EN Synonyms for unanimity DE Translations
symphony [agreement] symfonie
harmony [agreement] souzvuk
concert [agreement] souhra
unison [agreement] jednohlasnost
concord [agreement] soulad
rapport [agreement] vztah
unity [agreement] svornost
agreement [feeling of agreement] dohodnout se
accord [feeling of agreement] poskytnout
peace [feeling of agreement] mír {m}
consensus [feeling of agreement] konsensus
equanimity [compatibility] vyrovnanost
amity [compatibility] přátelství {n}