Search term reading has 23 results
EN Synonyms for reading DE Translations
worship [celebration of the mass] vénération {f}
celebration [celebration of the mass] célébration {f}
printed matter [the written word] imprimés (mp)
material [the written word] matériau {m}
account [the written word] compte {m}
passage [the written word] traversée {f}
excerpt [the written word] passage {m}
literature [the written word] (informal littérature {f}
rendition [interpretation] interprétation {f}
version [interpretation] version {f}
commentary [interpretation] explication {f}
conception [interpretation] idée {f}
approach [interpretation] abords (mp)
treatment [interpretation] traitement {m}
examination [perusal] inspection {f}
inspection [perusal] inspection {f}
learning [perusal] apprentissage {m}
perception [perusal] (formal perception {f}
narration [recitation] (formal narration {f}
quotation [recitation] citation {f}
DE German EN English
Reading Reading