Search term jedoch has 25 results
DE German EN English
jedoch (o) [dennoch] though (o) [dennoch]
jedoch (o) [trotz] albeit (o) [trotz]
jedoch (o) [trotz] regardless of (o) [trotz]
jedoch (o) [trotz] in spite of (o) [trotz]
jedoch (o) [trotz] notwithstanding (o) [trotz]
DE German EN English
jedoch (o) [trotz] despite (o) [trotz]
jedoch (o) [trotzdem] in spite of that (o) [trotzdem]
jedoch (o) [allgemein] in spite of that (o) [allgemein]
jedoch (o) [allgemein] in spite of this (o) [allgemein]
jedoch (o) [trotzdem] nonetheless (o) [trotzdem]
jedoch (o) [allgemein] nonetheless (o) [allgemein]
jedoch (o) [aber] only (o) [aber]
jedoch (o) [aber] except that (o) [aber]
jedoch (o) [trotzdem] yet (o) [trotzdem]
jedoch (o) [dennoch] yet (o) [dennoch]
jedoch (o) [trotzdem] nevertheless (o) [trotzdem]
jedoch (o) [dennoch] nevertheless (o) [dennoch]
jedoch (o) [allgemein] nevertheless (o) [allgemein]
jedoch (o) [aber] but (o) [aber]
jedoch (a) however (a)
jedoch (o) [trotzdem] however (o) [trotzdem]
jedoch (o) [dennoch] however (o) [dennoch]
jedoch (o) [allgemein] however (o) [allgemein]
jedoch still
jedoch for all that

German English translations

DE Synonyms for jedoch EN Translations
lediglich [doch] purely
allein [doch] entirely
bloß [doch] merely
indes [doch] whilst
indessen [doch] however
nur [doch] but
nun [doch] well
doch [hingegen] in any case
anders [hingegen] different
andererseits [hingegen] on the other hand
dagegen [im Gegensatz dazu] however
hingegen [im Gegensatz dazu] but
vielmehr [im Gegensatz dazu] rather
demgegenüber [im Gegensatz dazu] on the other hand
freilich [im Gegensatz dazu] however
allerdings [im Gegensatz dazu] it's true
aber [im Gegensatz dazu] but
sondern [dagegen] but
zwar [dagegen] it's true
immerhin [dagegen] no matter how