Search term eulogy has 10 results
EN English DE German
eulogy (n) [praise] Laudatio (n) {f} [praise]
eulogy (n) [an oration to honor a deceased person] Lobrede (n) {f} [an oration to honor a deceased person]
eulogy (n) [praise] Lobrede (n) {f} [praise]
eulogy (n) Eloge (n) {f}
eulogy Grabrede
EN English DE German
eulogy Lobpreisung
eulogy (n) [an oration to honor a deceased person] Lobesrede (n) [an oration to honor a deceased person] (n)
eulogy (n) [an oration to honor a deceased person] Traurrede (n) [an oration to honor a deceased person] (n)
eulogy Lobschrift
eulogy Trauerrede
EN Synonyms for eulogy DE Translations
award [acknowledgment] borsa di studio {f}
commendation [acknowledgment] (formal encomio {m}
tribute [acknowledgment] omaggio {m}
citation [acknowledgment] citazione {f}
adulation [undue compliments] adulazione {f}
flattery [undue compliments] salamelecchi
endorsement [commendation] visto {m}
praise [commendation] plauso
homage [commendation] omaggio {m}
panegyric [commendation] panegirico {m}
honour [commendation] Ü|en| decoro {m}
compliment [commendation] cortesia {f}
obituary [necrology] necrologico
remembrance [memorial] ricordo {m}
wake [memorial] vigilia {f}
encomium [memorial] panegirico {m}
commemoration [memorial] commemorazione {f}
testimonial [praise] testimoniale
legend [inscription] mito {m}
memorial [inscription] memoriale