Search term amendment has 23 results
EN English DE German
amendment Ergänzungsantrag
amendment (n) [addition to and/or alteration to the Constitution] Verfassungsänderung (n) [addition to and/or alteration to the Constitution] (n)
amendment Nachbesserung (n)
amendment Neufassung
amendment (n) Abänderungsantrag (n) {m}
amendment Novelle {f}
amendment Zusatz {m}
amendment (n) [politics] Abänderung (n) {f} [politics]
amendment Änderung {f}
amendment Verbesserung {f}
amendment Korrektur {f}
amendment Besserung {f}
amendment (n) Berichtigung (n) {f}
amendment Berichtigung {f}
amendment (n) [law] Zusatzartikel (n) {m} [law]
amendment (n) [addition to and/or alteration to the Constitution] Zusatzartikel (n) {m} [addition to and/or alteration to the Constitution]
amendment (n) [law] Ergänzung (n) {f} [law]
amendment (n) Ergänzung (n) {f}
EN Synonyms for amendment DE Translations
bill [legislative addition] cartel {m}
measure [legislative addition] tacto {m}
act [legislative addition] acto {m}
revision [legislative addition] revisión {f}
rider [legislative addition] amazona {f}
supplement [legislative addition] suplementar
correction [alteration] corrección {f}
improvement [alteration] mejoria
reformation [alteration] reformación {f}
code [body of laws] código {m}
custom [body of laws] con especificaciones (n adj v)
law [body of laws] ley {f}
constitution [body of laws] constitución {f}
amelioration [editing] (formal mejora {f}
emendation [editing] corrección {f}
fix [means] aprieto {m}
repair [means] compostura {f}
restoration [means] restauración {f}
rectification [means] (formal rectificacion
doctor [means] medico