English German
mucolytically schleimlösend
mucolytics Mukolytika
muconic acid Mukonsäure
mucophagia Mukophagie
Mucophagy Mukophagie
Mucopolysaccharidosis Mukopolysaccharidose
mucopolysaccharidosis I Mucopolysaccharidose I
mucopolysaccharidosis I S Mucopolysaccharidose I-S
mucopolysaccharidosis II Mucopolysaccharidose II
mucopolysaccharidosis III Mucopolysaccharidose III
mucopolysaccharidosis IV Mucopolysaccharidose IV
mucopolysaccharidosis VI Mucopolysaccharidose VI
mucopolysaccharidosis VII Mucopolysaccharidose VII
mucopolysacchariduria Mukopolysaccharidurie
mucoprotein Mucoprotein
mucopurulent mukopurulent
mucor infection Mucor-Infektion
mucormycosis Mucormykose
mucosa Schleimhaut
mucosa of colon Dickdarmschleimhaut
mucosa of larynx Kehlkopfschleimhaut
mucosa of small intestine Dünndarmschleimhaut
mucosa of stomach Magenschleimhaut
mucosa of the gall bladder Gallenblasenschleimhaut
mucosa of the gallbladder Gallenblasenschleimhaut
mucosa of the tympanic cavity Paukenhöhlenschleimhaut
mucosa of the uterus Gebärmutterschleimhaut
mucosa of uterus Gebärmutterschleimhaut
mucosa prolapse Schleimhautprolaps
mucosal disease , MD bovine Virusdiarrhoe , BVD
mucosal inflammation Mukosaentzündung
mucosal inflammation of the stomach Magenkatarr
mucosal melanoma Schleimhaut-Melanom
mucosal prolapse Mukosaprolaps
mucosal wart Schleimhautwarze
mucosanguinolent stool blutig-schleimiger Stuhl
mucoserous mukoserös
mucositis Mukosaentzündung
mucostasis Mukostase
mucosulfatidosis Mukosulfatidose
mucosulphatidosis Mukosulfatidose
mucotome Mukotom
mucotomy Mukotomie
mucous schleimig
mucous ... Schleim...
mucous carcinoma Gallertkarzinom
mucous colitis Colica mucosa
mucous cyst Mukozele
mucous glands Schleimdrüsen
mucous granuloma Schleimgranulom
mucous hook Schleimhauthäkchen
mucous layer Schleimschicht
mucous membrane Schleimhaut
mucous membrane electrode Schleimhaut-Elektrode
mucous membrane of small intestine Dünndarmschleimhaut
mucous membrane of stomach Magenschleimhaut