English German
difficult schwer
difficult birth schwere Geburt
difficult breathing erschwerte Atmung
difficult child Problemkind
difficult children Problemkinder
difficult delivery schwere Geburt
difficult examination schwierige Prüfung
difficult project Wagnis
difficult question schwere Frage
difficult respiration schwere Atmung
difficult situation schwierige Situation
difficult to comprehend schwer nachvollziehbar
difficult to explain schwer zu erklären
difficult to reconstruct schwer rekonstruierbar
difficult to understand schwerverständlich
difficult-to-treat schwer therapierbar
difficulties Unannehmlichkeiten
difficulties in achieving an orgasm Orgasmusschwierigkeiten
difficulties in adapting Anpassungsschwierigkeiten
difficulties in communicating Kommunikationsschwierigkeiten
difficulties in communication Kommunikationsschwierigkeiten
difficulties in delivery Lieferschwierigkeiten
difficulties in swallowing Schluckbeschwerden
difficultly schwierige
difficultly soluble schwer löslich
difficulty Problem
difficulty in achieving an orgasm Orgasmusschwierigkeit
difficulty in breathing Atemnot
difficulty in communicating Kommunikationsschwierigkeit
difficulty in delivery Lieferschwierigkeit
difficulty in respiration Atembeschwerden
difficulty in swallowing Schluckstörung
difficulty in walking Gehstörung
difficulty of breathing Atembeschwerde
diffidence Schüchternheit
diffident zurückhaltend
diffidently zurückhaltend
diffie hellman algorithm Diffie-Hellman-Algorithmus
Diffie-Hellman key exchange Diffie-Hellman-Schlüsselaustausch
diffluence Auffächern
diffluent auseinanderlaufend
diffract ablenken