English German
cephalosporins Cephalosporine
Cephalotaceae Zwergkrug
Cephalotaxus Kopfeiben
cephalothorax Kopfbruststück
Cephalotus Zwergkrug
Cephalus Kephalos
cephamycin Cephamycin
cephamycins Cephamycine
Cepheids Cepheiden
Cepheus Kepheus
Cepheus Daidalos Albion
Cephisodotus Kephisodotos
Cephisodotus the Elder Kephisodotos
Cephisodotus the Younger Kephisodotos
Cephissus Kephisos
Ceps Braunkappen
CEPT Conférence Européenne des Adm
CEPT hierarchy CEPT-Hierarchie
cepting entgegennehmenden
Ceqli Ceqli
ceraceous wachsartig
Ceram Ceram
Ceram Bandicoot Ceram-Nasenbeutler
Ceram lory Halbmaskenlori
Ceram rat Seram-Ratte
Cerambycidae Bockkäfer
Cerambyx cerdo Großer Eichenbock
ceramic aus Keramik
ceramic adhesive Keramikkleber
ceramic armor Keramikpanzerung
ceramic armor plate Keramikpanzerplatte
ceramic armor plates Keramikpanzerplatten
ceramic armor plating Keramikpanzerplatten
ceramic armour Keramikpanzerung
ceramic armour plate Keramikpanzerplatte
ceramic armour plates Keramikpanzerplatten
ceramic armour plating Keramikpanzerplatten
ceramic article Keramikartikel
ceramic articles Keramikware
ceramic ball Keramikkugel
ceramic blade Keramikklinge
ceramic bodies Keramikkörper
ceramic body Keramikkörper
ceramic capacitor Keramikkondensator
ceramic capacitors Keramik-Kondensatoren , Kerkos
ceramic case Keramikgehäuse
ceramic catalyst Keramik-Katalysator
ceramic chip Keramik-Chip
ceramic chip capacitor Keramik-Chip-Kondensator
ceramic circuit board Keramik-Leiterplatte
ceramic clamp Keramikklemme
ceramic clamps Keramikklemmen
ceramic cooktop Ceran-Kochstelle
ceramic creations keramisches Werk
ceramic crown Keramikkrone
ceramic dual-in-line package CERDIP
ceramic dust Keramikstaub
ceramic fiber Keramikfaser
ceramic fibers Keramikfasern
ceramic fibre Keramikfaser
ceramic fibres Keramikfasern
ceramic file Keramikfeile