Search term yet has 17 results
EN English SV Swedish
yet (o) [however] likväl (o) [however]
yet (o) [nevertheless] inte desto mindre (o) [nevertheless]
yet (o) [nevertheless] trots det (o) [nevertheless]
yet (o) [general] fortfarande (o) [general]
yet (o) [time] ännu (o) [time]
yet (o) [intensifier] ännu (o) [intensifier]
yet (o) [intensifier] ytterligare (o) [intensifier]
yet (o) [however] dock (o) [however]
yet (o) [nevertheless] likväl (o) [nevertheless]
yet (o) [but] men (o) {n} [but]
yet (o) [conjunction] likväl (o) [conjunction]
yet än
yet (o) [however] emellertid (o) [however]
yet (o) [but] emellertid (o) [but]
yet (o) [but] men ändå (o) [but]
yet (o) [nevertheless] ändå (o) [nevertheless]
yet (o) [conjunction] ändå (o) [conjunction]
EN Synonyms for yet SV Translations
however [nevertheless] freilich
nonetheless [nevertheless] nichtsdestominder
howbeit [nevertheless] nichtsdestoweniger
notwithstanding [nevertheless] unbeschadet
nevertheless [although] nichtsdestotrotz
but [although] hingegen
though [although] wenngleich
moreover [part of speech] zudem
still [part of speech] unbewegt
further [part of speech] zusätzlich