Search term tunnel has 9 results
EN English SV Swedish
tunnel (v) [mountain] gräva en tunnel genom (v) [mountain]
tunnel (v) [river] gräva en tunnel under (v) [river]
tunnel tunnel (u)
tunnel (n v) [an underground or underwater passage] tunnel (n v) [an underground or underwater passage] (u)
tunnel (n) [general] tunnel (n) [general] (u)
EN Synonyms for tunnel SV Translations
cave [place] gruta-florestal
cavern [place] caverna {f}
cove [place] gruta-florestal
burrow [place] toca {f}
den [place] toca {f}
hovel [place] casebre {m}
shelter [place] asilo {m}
hole [place] romboento
cavity [hole in the ground] cavidade {f}
pit [hole in the ground] poçoe adão
mine [hole in the ground] minas
hollow [hole in the ground] ocoe(a)
quarry [hole in the ground] caçai
excavation [hole in the ground] escavação {f}
duct [passage] duto {m}
well [passage] bem {m}
pipe [passage] gaitaa
tube [passage] tubo {m}
shaft [passage] cabo {m}
lode [excavation] filão {m}
SV Swedish EN English
tunnel (n) [allmän] (u) tunnel (n) [allmän]
tunnel (n v) [an underground or underwater passage] (u) tunnel (n v) [an underground or underwater passage]
tunnel (u) sap
tunnel (u) tunnel

Swedish English translations

SV Synonyms for tunnel EN Translations
rör [underjordisk gång] n tuyau {m}
ledning [underjordisk gång] (u direction {f}
schakt [underjordisk gång] n puits {m}
gap [gruvgång] n trouée {f}
svalg [gruvgång] n fissure {f}
brunn [gruvgång] (u puits {m}
klyfta [gruvgång] (u gousse {f}
trumma [gruvgång] (u batterie {f}
övergång [passage] (u transition {f}