Search term full has 22 results
EN English SV Swedish
full (adj adv n v) [complete] fullständig (adj adv n v) [complete]
full hel
full full
full (a) [container] full (a) [container]
full (a) [public transportation] full (a) [public transportation]
EN English SV Swedish
full (a) [container] fylld (a) [container]
full (a) [public transportation] fullsatt (a) [public transportation]
full (adj adv n v) [complete] fullödig (adj adv n v) [complete]
EN Synonyms for full SV Translations
whole [quantity] по́лностью (adv)
all [quantity] весь
ample [large] оби́льный (adj)
generous [large] ще́дрый (adj)
consummate [finished] отпетый ('the consummate hypocrite' — законченный лицемер)
done [finished] гото́вый (v n adj)
completed [finished] законченный (adj)
finished [completed] завершённый (adj)
blunt [property] гру́бый (adj n v)
direct [property] постоя́нный (adj n)
unqualified [property] неквалифицированный (adj)
broad [range] ба́ба (n adj)
unlimited [range] безграни́чный (adj)
extensive [range] обши́рный (adj)
big [brimming] большо́й (adj adv n v)
voluminous [brimming] плодови́тый (adj)
saturated [brimming] насы́щенный (adj)
copious [abundant] обши́рный (adj)
sufficient [abundant] доста́точный (adj determiner)
collective [not separated] собирательное (adj n)
SV Swedish EN English
full drunk
full (a) [alkoholhaltiga drycker] drunk (a) [alkoholhaltiga drycker]
full (adj) [In the state of alcoholic intoxication] drunken (adj) [In the state of alcoholic intoxication]
full (a) [alkoholhaltiga drycker] drunken (a) [alkoholhaltiga drycker]
full (a) [alkoholhaltiga drycker] intoxicated (a) [alkoholhaltiga drycker]
full (a) [alkoholhaltiga drycker] boozy (a) [alkoholhaltiga drycker] (informal)
full (a) [alkoholhaltiga drycker] pickled (a) [alkoholhaltiga drycker] (informal)
full (a) [alkoholhaltiga drycker] smashed (a) [alkoholhaltiga drycker] (informal)
full full
full (a) [allmänna kommunikationer] full (a) [allmänna kommunikationer]
full (a) [behållare] full (a) [behållare]
full (a) [behållare] filled (a) [behållare]
full (n v adj) [charged or accompanied with] fraught (n v adj) [charged or accompanied with]
full complete

Swedish English translations

SV Synonyms for full EN Translations
hel [fullständig] whole
allomfattande [fullständig] all-encompassing
obegränsad [fullständig] boundless
ytterlig [fullständig] extreme
täckande [fullständig] roofing
total [fullständig] aggregate
onykter [drucken] pickled (informal)
påverkad [drucken] under the influence
överlastad [drucken] florid
dragen [drucken] (informal tipsy (informal)
plakat [drucken] (informal blotto (slang)
sned [drucken] oblique
lummig [drucken] leafy
lurvig [drucken] shaggy
berusad [drucken] drunk
proppfull [mättad] chockfull
spänd [mättad] strained
förtätad [mättad] condensed
intensiv [mättad] exquisite
koncentrerad [mättad] condensed