Search term figure has 20 results
EN English SV Swedish
figure (n) [money] belopp (n) {n} [money]
figure (n) [shape] gestalt (n) [shape] (u)
figure nummer {n}
figure (n) [person] person (n) [person] (u)
figure (n) [person] figur (n) [person] (u)
figure (n v) [drawing] figur (n v) [drawing] (u)
figure (n) [drawing] figur (n) [drawing] (u)
figure (n) [body] figur (n) [body] (u)
figure (n) [art] figur (n) [art] (u)
figure (v) [name] förekomma (v) [name]
figure (n) [drawing] bild (n) [drawing] (u)
figure (n) [money] siffra (n) [money] (u)
figure (n) [mathematics] siffra (n) [mathematics] (u)
figure (n) [money] summa (n) [money] (u)
figure (v) [thought] räkna med (v) [thought]
figure (n) [money] pris (n) {n} [money]
figure räkna
figure (v) [name] uppträda (v) [name]
figure (v) [thought] förmoda (v) [thought]
figure (v) [thought] anta (v) [thought]
EN Synonyms for figure SV Translations
sign [representation] tecken {n}
mark [representation] signera
symbol [representation] tecken {n}
pitch [representation] lutning (u)
note [representation] ton (u)
price [cost] pris {n}
expenditure [cost] åtgång
output [cost] produktion (u)
outlay [cost] utlägg
amount [cost] mängd (u)
physique [structure of the body] kroppsbeskaffenhet
shape [structure of the body] form (u)
form [structure of the body] gestalt (u)
skeleton [structure of the body] benstomme
anatomy [structure of the body] anatomi (u)
pattern [design] modell (u)
motive [design] grond
composition [design] uppsats (u)
style [design] titulera
motif [design] tema {n}