Search term cancellation has 12 results
EN English SV Swedish
cancellation (n) [meeting] annullering (n) [meeting] (u)
cancellation (n) [reservation] annullering (n) [reservation] (u)
cancellation (n) [act of cancelling] avbeställning (n) [act of cancelling] (u)
cancellation (n) [reservation] avbeställning (n) [reservation] (u)
cancellation (n) [act of cancelling] förkortning (n) [act of cancelling] (u)
cancellation (n) [act of cancelling] upphävande (n) {n} [act of cancelling]
cancellation (n) [mail] stämpling (n) [mail] (u)
cancellation (n) [act of cancelling] strykning (n) [act of cancelling] (u)
cancellation överstrykning (u)
cancellation (n) [mail] poststämpel (n) [mail] (u)
cancellation (n) [act of cancelling] avbokning (n) [act of cancelling]
cancellation (n) [act of cancelling] återbud (n) [act of cancelling]
EN Synonyms for cancellation SV Translations
invalidation [nullification] upphävande {n}
repeal [nullification] avskaffa
dissolution [nullification] upplösning (u)
annulment [nullification] annulering
prohibition [exclusion] (formal förbud {n}
breach [exclusion] brytande
omission [exclusion] utelämnande
repudiation [exclusion] förkastande {n}
elimination [exclusion] avlägsnande {n}
slighting [exclusion] föraktande
reversal [revocation] omkastning (u)
abolition [revocation] upphävande {n}
abrogation [revocation] (formal upphävande {n}
contradiction [denial] motsats (u)
refutation [denial] gendrivning (u)
refusal [denial] tillbakavisande {n}
rejection [denial] utmönstring
veto [denial] vetorätt (u)
negation [denial] bestridande {n}