Search term bit has 31 results
EN English SV Swedish
bit (n) [material] stycke (n) {n} [material]
bit (n) [piece] stycke (n) {n} [piece]
bit (n) [sign] aning (n) [sign] (u)
bit (n) [sign] spår (n) {n} [sign]
bit (n adv) [computing smallest unit of storage] bit (n adv) [computing smallest unit of storage] (u)
EN English SV Swedish
bit (n) [data processing] bit (n) [data processing] (u)
bit (n) [material] bit (n) [material] (u)
bit (n) [piece] bit (n) [piece] (u)
bit (n) [sign] stänk (n) {n} [sign]
bit (n) [piece] smula (n) [piece] (u)
bit (n) [material] lapp (n) [material] (u)
bit stump (u)
EN Synonyms for bit SV Translations
fragment [thing] pieza {f}
particle [thing] partículas
mite [thing] óbolo
whit [thing] pizca {f}
mote [thing] (literature mota {f}
dot [thing] punto {m}
atom [thing] atomo
shaving [splinter] afeitado {m}
shred [splinter] hacer trizas
thorn [splinter] espina {f}
snippet [splinter] (informal snippet (n)
flake [splinter] hojuela
sliver [splinter] rascacielos {m}
dash [amount] raya {f}
sprinkling [amount] rociadura
trace [amount] rastro {m}
shade [amount] sombrear
touch [amount] tocar
suggestion [amount] sugestión {f}
pinch [amount] pizcar
SV Swedish EN English
bit (n) [material] (u) scrap (n) [material]
bit (n) [textilier] (u) small piece (n) [textilier]
bit (n) [textilier] (u) shred (n) [textilier]
bit (n) [material] (u) fragment (n) [material]
bit (n) [stycke] (u) morsel (n) [stycke]
bit (n) [stycke] (u) small part (n) [stycke]
bit (n) [stycke] (u) piece (n) [stycke]
bit (n) [material] (u) piece (n) [material]
bit (n) [tårta] (u) wedge (n) [tårta]
bit (n) [stycke] (u) bit (n) [stycke]
bit (n) [material] (u) bit (n) [material]
bit (n) [databehandling] (u) bit (n) [databehandling]
bit (n adv) [computing smallest unit of storage] (u) bit (n adv) [computing smallest unit of storage]
bit (n) [papper] (u) scrap (n) [papper]
bit (u) scrap
bit (u) lump
bit (u) fragment
bit (u) piece
bit (u) morsel

Swedish English translations

SV Synonyms for bit EN Translations
moment [sektion] n moment {m}
del [sektion] (u część {f}
led [sektion] (u ścieżka {f}
avsnitt [sektion] n odcinek {m}
kapitel [sektion] n rozdział {m}
remsa [tygbit] (u strzęp {m}
visa [melodi] piosenka {f}
sång [melodi] (u trel (n v)
låt [melodi] melodia {f}
stump [visa] (u pet
melodi [visa] (u melodia {f}
jordlott [kolonilott] parcelacja gruntów
tomt [kolonilott] (u działka {f}
passage [del] (u dostęp {m}
sektion [del] sekcja {f}
parti [del] n partia {f}
mening [ställe] (u zdanie {n}
sats [ställe] (u instrukcja {f}
citat [ställe] n cytat {m}
ballad [musikstycke] (u ballada {f}