English Portuguese
newspaperman repórter
newspaperwoman repórter
newsperson repórter
newsprint papel de jornal
newsreel noticiário
newsroom redação
newsstand banca de jornal
newsstandol banca de jornal
Newstand Guarita
Newsweek Newsweek
Newsweek admits error in report that sparked Afghan protests Revista Newsweek desculpa-se por notícia não comprovada sobre suposto insulto americano ao Alcorão
newsworthy de interesse jornalístico
newt lagartixa
Newton Newton
Newton County Condado de Newton
Newton metre Newton-metro
Newton polynomial Polinómio de Newton
Newtonian fluid Fluido newtoniano
Newtonian telescope Telescópio newtoniano
newutle noveli
newy indumentária
next depois
next day dia seguinte
Next nature Próxima Natureza
next of kin familiar
next on contestar
next one próximo
next to próximo
next to last penúltimo
next to nothing quase nada
next-door ao lado
NEXTEL Cup Nextel Cup
nexus elolha
Neyruz Neyruz
Neyruz-sur-Moudon Neyruz-sur-Moudon
Nezami Nezami
Neštin Fuínha
NF-Board NF-Board
NFL Europa NFL Europa
NForce NForce
Nghe An Province Nghe An
Ngo Dinh Diem Ngo Dinh Diem
NGOenle ONG (Org. Não-Governamental)
Ngoni people Nguni
Ngorongoro Conservation Area Ngorongoro
Ngounié Ngounié
Ngozi Province Ngozi
Nguni Nguni
Nguyen Van Thuan François-Xavier Nguyên Van Thuân
Nguyễn Văn Thiệu Nguyen Van Thieu
Nhat Hahn Thich Nhat Hanh
Nhat Hanh Thich Nhat Hanh
Nheengatu Nheengatu
NHK Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai
NHL series National Hockey League
NHL video game series National Hockey League
Ni Ni
Nia Long Nia Long
Nia Vardalos Nia Vardalos
Niacin Niacina
Niagara Niágara
Niagara Falls Cataratas do Niágara
Niagara Peninsula Niágara
Niagara River Rio Niágara
Niamey Niamey
Niandra Lades and Usually Just a T-Shirt Niandra Lades and Usually Just a T-Shirt
Niari Region Niari
Niassa Company Companhia do Niassa
Niassa Province Niassa
nib ponta
nibble beliscar
nibble at mordidela
Nibe Nibe
Nibelung Nibelungos
Nibelungenlied Nibelungenlied
Nibok Nibok
NIC (Network Interface Card) cartão de interface de rede
Nicaea Iznik
Nicaise Auguste Desvaux Nicaise Augustin Desvaux
Nicander Nicandro de Cólofon
Nicandra physaloides Joá-de-capote
Nicanor Duarte Nicanor Duarte
Nicaragua Nicarágua