English Portuguese
BSc bacharel em ciências
BSC Young Boys BSC Young Boys
BSD licenses Licença BSD
BSI Group Kitemark
BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) Tela Azul da Morte (Windows)
Bsr Rio Ob
BT Group BT
BT tank BT
Buada Buada
Buada Lagoon Laguna Buada
Bubal Búbalu
Bubalus Búfalo
Bubanza Province Bubanza
Bubastis Bubaste
bubble bolha de ar
bubble bath banho de espuma
bubble gum chiclete de bola
bubble over transbordar de alegria
bubble policy política de bolsas
Bubblegum Crisis Bubblegum Crisis
Bubblegum pop Bubblegum
bubbling efervescente
bubbly borbulhante
Bubendorf Bubendorf
Bubenreuth Bubenreuth
Bubikon Bubikon
bubonic coffee-pot bubônico(a)
bubonic plague peste bubônica
Bubsheim Bubsheim
Bubsy Bubsy
Bucaramanga Bucaramanga
Bucarest Bucareste
buccaneer corsário
buccaneering piratariao
Bucculatricidae Bucculatricidae
bucentaur bucentauro
Bucephalus Bucéfalo
Buch am Wald Buch
Buchanan Buchanan
Buchanan County Condado de Buchanan
Bucharest Bucareste
Bucharestoffee-pot Bucareste (capital da Romênia)
Buchbach Buchbach
Buchberg Buchberg
Buchen Buchen
Buchenbach Buchenbach
Buchenwald concentration camp Buchenwald
Buchheim Buchheim
Buchhofen Buchhofen
Buchholterberg Buchholterberg
Buchillon Buchillon
Buchloe Buchloe
Buchrain Buchrain
Buchs Buchs
buck sacudir
Buck House Palácio de Buckingham
buck of parts um dólar (EUA)oso
Buck Rogers Buck Rogers
Buck The World Buck the World
buck up recobrar o ânimo
Buckenhof Buckenhof
bucket balde
bucketful balde