English Portuguese
abbreviated resumido
abbreviation resumo
abbreviative abreviativo
abbreviator abreviador
abbreviatory abreviativo
abbreviature abreviação
Abbé Faria Abade Faria
Abbé Pierre Abbé Pierre
ABC countries Pacto do ABC
ABC Futebol Clube ABC Futebol Clube
ABC islands Ilhas ABC
ABC Motors ABC
Abc notation ABC
ABC Region Região do Grande ABC
ABC Studios ABC Studios
ABC weapons ABC
abciximab abciximab
ABCs Alfabeto
Abd al-Aziz ibn Musa Abd al-Aziz ibn Musa
Abd al-Karim Qasim Abdul Karim Kassem
Abd al-Malik Abd-el-Melek
Abd Al-Rahman Al Sufi Al Sufi
Abd ar-Rahman I Abderramão I
Abd ar-Rahman II Abderramão II
Abd el-Krim Abdelkrim El Khattabi
Abd-Allah ibn al-Zubayr Abd-Allah-Ibn-Zobair
Abd-ar-rahman Abderramão
Abd-ar-Rahman III Abderramão III
Abd-ru-shin Abdruschin
abdal abdalá
Abdallah al-Ghalib Abd-Allah-Ibn-Mohammed-Ach-Chaik
Abdallah ibn Yasin Abd-AlIah-Ibn-Yâsin
Abdalá Bucaram Abdalá Bucaram
Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi Ábdel Aziz ar-Rantisi
Abdelaziz Belkhadem Abdelaziz Belkhadem
Abdelaziz Bouteflika Abdelaziz Bouteflika
Abdelaziz of Morocco Abd al-Aziz ibn Musa
Abdelhafid of Morocco Moulay Abd al-Hafid
Abdera Abdera
Abderite abderita
Abderus Abdero
abdest abdeste
Abdias do Nascimento Abdias do Nascimento
abdicable abdicável
abdicant abdicante
abdicate abdicar
abdication abdicação
abdicationo renounce abdicação
abdicative abdicativo
abdicator abdicante
Abdiel Abdiel
abditory escondrijo
Abdolkarim Soroush Abdolkarim Soroush
abdomen abdômen
abdominal abdominal
abdominal cavity cavidade
Abdominal pain Dor abdominal
abdominal ring anel abdominal
Abdominal surgery Cirurgia do aparelho digestivo
abdominal wall parede abdominal
abdominally abdominalmente
Abdominea Abdominea minimiflora
abdominocentesis abdominocentese
abdominojugular abdominojugular
abdominopelvic abdominopélvico
abdominoperineal abdominoperineal
abdominoplasty abdominoplastia
abdominoscopy abdominoscopia
abdominous abdominal
Abdon Abdom
Abdoulaye Wade Abdoulaye Wade
abduce desviar
abducens nerve nervo abducente
abduct raptar
abductee abduzido
abduction seqüestro
abductively abdutivamente
abductor seqüestrador
Abductor pollicis brevis muscle Músculo abdutor curto do polegar
Abductor pollicis longus muscle Músculo abdutor longo do polegar
Abdul Ahad Mohmand Abdul Ahad Mohmand
Abdul Alhazred Abdul Alhazred
Abdul Hamid I Abd-ul-Hamid I
Abdul Hamid II Abd-ul-Hamid II
Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahman
Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi Abderramão Al Gafequi
Abdullah Abdala
Abdullah Gül Abdullah Gül
Abdullah I of Jordan Abdullah I da Jordânia
Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Umawi Abdallah ibn Muhammad
Abdullah II of Jordan Abdullah II da Jordânia
Abdullah of Saudi Arabia Abdallah da Arábia Saudita
Abdullah Öcalan Abdullah Öcalan
Abdus Salam Abdus Salam
Abdülmecid Abd-ul-Medjid
Abdülâziz Abd-ul-Aziz
Abe no Hirafu Abe Hirafu
abeam de través