Search term walk has 16 results
EN English NL Dutch
walk tippelen
walk (v) [physical activity] gaan (v) [physical activity]
walk (v) [dog] uitlaten (v) [dog]
walk (v) [accompany] meelopen (v) [accompany]
walk (v) [accompany] gaan met (v) [accompany]
EN English NL Dutch
walk lopen {n}
walk (v) [physical activity] lopen (v) {n} [physical activity]
walk (n) [walking] gang (n) {m} [walking]
walk (n) [walking] stap (n) {m} [walking]
walk (v) [physical activity] stappen (v) [physical activity]
walk marcheren
walk (n) [road] promenade (n) {f} [road]
walk (v) [entertainment] wandelen (v) {n} [entertainment]
walk (n) [entertainment] wandeling (n) {f} [entertainment]
walk (n) [road] wandelweg (n) {m} [road]
walk wandelen {n}
EN Synonyms for walk NL Translations
field [thing] veld
course [thing] kursus
area [thing] oppervlakte
behaviour [thing] houding
conduct [thing] (formal lei
roam [travel by foot] wandel
post [patrol] pos
loaf [activity] brood
march [movement] stap
file [movement] tou
pavement [path] trottoir
sidewalk [path] trottoir
outing [stroll] uitstappie
exercise [stroll] oefening
shuffle [scuffle] meng
strike [strike out with the foot] uitwis
kick [strike out with the foot] skop