Search term there be has 5 results
EN English NL Dutch
there be (v) [to exist] (v) liggen (v) [to exist]
there be (v) [to exist] (v) bestaan (v) {n} [to exist]
there be (v) [to exist] (v) zitten (v) [to exist]
there be (v) [to exist] (v) staan (v) [to exist]
there be (v) [to exist] (v) er (v) [to exist]

EN NL Translations for there

there daar
there (o) [general] daar (o) [general]
there (o) [place] daar (o) [place]
there (o) [place] aldaar (o) [place]
there (o) [place] op die plaats (o) [place]
there (o) [destination] naar toe (o) [destination]
there (o) [destination] heen (o) [destination]
there daarginds
there (o) [place] ginder (o) [place]
there (o) [general] daarheen (o) [general]

EN NL Translations for be

be (v) [place] zich bevinden (v) [place]
be liggen
be zijn {n}
be (v) [(archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs] zijn (v) {n} [(archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs]
be (v) [general] zijn (v) {n} [general]
be (v) [philosophy] zijn (v) {n} [philosophy]
be (v) [place] zijn (v) {n} [place]
be (v) [philosophy] bestaan (v) {n} [philosophy]
be zitten
be plaatsvinden