Search term mine has 15 results
EN English IT Italian
mine (v) [mining] estrarre (v) [mining]
mine (v) [mining] scavare (v) [mining]
mine miniera {f}
mine (n) [industry] miniera (n) {f} [industry]
mine (n) [information] miniera (n) {f} [information]
EN English IT Italian
mine (n) [military] mina (n) {f} [military]
mine (o) [poss. pron. - sg.] mio (o) [poss. pron. - sg.]
mine (o) [poss. pron. - sg.] mia (o) [poss. pron. - sg.]
mine (o) [poss. pron. - sg.] il mio (o) [poss. pron. - sg.]
mine (o) [poss. pron. - sg.] la mia (o) [poss. pron. - sg.]
mine (o) [poss. pron. - pl.] miei (o) [poss. pron. - pl.]
mine (o) [poss. pron. - pl.] mie (o) [poss. pron. - pl.]
mine (o) [poss. pron. - pl.] i miei (o) [poss. pron. - pl.]
mine (o) [poss. pron. - pl.] le mie (o) [poss. pron. - pl.]
mine me
EN Synonyms for mine IT Translations
hole [hole in the ground] ouverture {f}
cavity [hole in the ground] cavité {f}
pit [hole in the ground] pustule {f}
hollow [hole in the ground] vain
quarry [hole in the ground] carrière {f}
tunnel [hole in the ground] tunnel {m}
excavation [hole in the ground] creusement {m}
explosive [military] explosif {m}
trap [military] charrette anglaise (n v)
booby trap [military] objet {m}
weapon [military] arme {f}
bomb [military] bombe {f}
lode [excavation] veine {f}
shaft [excavation] hampe {f}
well [excavation] vachement
excavate [activity] excaver
dig [activity] creuser
extract [activity] concentré {m}
pan [activity] poêle {f}
drill [activity] drill (v n)