Search term knock down has 15 results
EN English IT Italian
knock down (v) [prices] ridurre (v) [prices]
knock down (v) [prices] abbassare (v) [prices]
knock down (v) [building] abbattere (v) [building]
knock down (v) [person] abbattere (v) [person]
knock down (v) [accident] investire (v) [accident]
knock down (v) [building] distruggere (v) [building]
knock down (v) [building] demolire (v) [building]
knock down (v) [person] buttar giù (v) [person]
knock down (v) [price] ribassare (v) [price]
knock down (v) [price] farsi fare uno sconto su (v) [price]
knock down (v) [prices] avere una riduzione su (v) [prices]
knock down (v) [prices] avere uno sconto su (v) [prices]
knock down stramazzare
knock down (v) [accident] travolgere (v) [accident]
knock down travolto

EN IT Translations for knock

knock (v) [door] battere (v) {m} [door]
knock (v) [general] battere (v) {m} [general]
knock (v) [internal-combustion engine] battere (v) {m} [internal-combustion engine]
knock (v) [door] colpire (v) [door]
knock (v) [general] colpire (v) [general]
knock urtare {m}
knock (v) [door] picchiare (v) [door]
knock (n) [door] colpo (n) {m} [door]
knock cozzare
knock botta {f}

EN IT Translations for down

down (o) [direction] in giù (o) [direction]
down (o) [position] in giù (o) [position]
down (o) [direction] giù (o) [direction]
down (a) [feelings] giù (a) [feelings]
down (o) [position] giù (o) [position]
down (o) [quantity] giù (o) [quantity]
down (o) [river] giù (o) [river]
down (o) [position] per terra (o) [position]
down (o) [money] subito (o) [money]
down (a) [feelings] scoraggiato (a) [feelings]
EN Synonyms for knock down IT Translations
bring down [action] abbachiare
fell [action] pendio roccioso
conquer [action] debellare
knock out [action] abbàttere
tackle [action] paranco {m}
hit [action] botta {f}
down [action] afflizione {f}
beat up [fell with a blow] bastonare
flatten [fell with a blow] corcare
thrash [fell with a blow] battito continuo
trample [fell with a blow] violare
run over [fell with a blow] travolto
raze [demolish] (formal abbattere
smash [demolish] forte colpo
destroy [demolish] struggere
devastate [demolish] desolare
ravage [demolish] desolare
tear down [dismantle] demolire
strike [dismantle] calcare {m}
dismount [dismantle] smontare