Search term attrarre has 13 results
IT Italian EN English
attrarre (v) [tentazione] lure (v) [tentazione]
attrarre (v) [attirare] charm (v) [attirare]
attrarre (v) [gente] pull in (v) [gente]
attrarre (v) [To lure; to attract by arousing desire or hope.] entice (v) [To lure; to attract by arousing desire or hope.]
attrarre (v) [attirare] entice (v) [attirare]
attrarre (v) [tentazione] entice (v) [tentazione]
attrarre attract
attrarre (v) [attirare] attract (v) [attirare]
attrarre (v) [gente] attract (v) [gente]
attrarre (v) [gente] draw in (v) [gente]
attrarre (v) [attirare] captivate (v) [attirare]
attrarre (v) [to attract and hold interest and attention of] captivate (v) [to attract and hold interest and attention of]
attrarre (v) [interessare] capture (v) [interessare]

Italian English translations