Search term frost has 6 results
EN English FR French
frost (v) [meteorology] geler (v) [meteorology]
frost (n) [meteorology] gelée (n) {f} [meteorology]
frost (n) [meteorology] gelée blanche (n) {f} [meteorology]
frost gel {m}
frost (n v) [cold weather that would cause frost] gel (n v) {m} [cold weather that would cause frost]
frost givre {m}
EN Synonyms for frost FR Translations
freeze [process] cubrirse de escarcha
congeal [process] congelar
ice [process] helado {m}
hail [nature] salva {f}
trim [activity] en buen estado
adorn [activity] engalanar
embellish [activity] embellecer
mist [activity] bruma {f}
cold [coldness] frío {m}
chill [coldness] escalofrío {m}
frigidity [coldness] frigidez {f}
refrigerate [chill] refrigerar
coldness [property] displicencia {f}