Search term zealot has 8 results
EN English ES Spanish
zealot defensor {m}
zealot (n) [emotional behavior - man] fanático (n) {m} [emotional behavior - man]
zealot (n) [religion - man] fanático (n) {m} [religion - man]
zealot (n) [emotional behavior - woman] fanática (n) {f} [emotional behavior - woman]
zealot (n) [religion - woman] fanática (n) {f} [religion - woman]
zealot (n) [member of the Zealot movement in Judea] zelote (n) [member of the Zealot movement in Judea]
zealot celota
zealot (n) [member of the Zealot movement in Judea] zelota (n) [member of the Zealot movement in Judea] (n)
EN Synonyms for zealot ES Translations
radical [holder of extreme views] gyökjel
fanatic [holder of extreme views] rajongó (n v)
revolutionary [holder of extreme views] forradalmi (adj n)
agitator [holder of extreme views] izgató
extremist [holder of extreme views] szélsőséges irányzatú ember
heathen [worshiper of idols] pogány
pagan [worshiper of idols] istentelen
idolater [worshiper of idols] bálványimádó
puritan [dogmatist] puritán
doctrinaire [dogmatist] doktriner
enthusiast [dogmatist] rajongója vminek
partisan [dogmatist] pártfél
bigot [dogmatist] vakbuzgó személy
eccentric [person] külpontos
maniac [person] őrjöngő (adj)
weirdo [person] (informal különc ember
crank [person] különc (adj n)
nut [person] (informal fej
adherent [supporter] követő (adj n)
sycophant [supporter] (formal hízelgő