Search term knock down has 10 results
EN English ES Spanish
knock down (v) [price] reducir (v) [price]
knock down (v) [prices] reducir (v) [prices]
knock down (v) [building] derribar (v) [building]
knock down (v) [person] derribar (v) [person]
knock down (v) [price] rebajar (v) [price]
knock down (v) [prices] rebajar (v) [prices]
knock down (v) [building] destruir (v) [building]
knock down (v) [building] demoler (v) [building]
knock down (v) [accident] atropellar (v) [accident]
knock down (v) [person] tumbar (v) [person]

EN ES Translations for knock

knock (v) [internal-combustion engine] picar (v) [internal-combustion engine]
knock (v) [general] tocar (v) [general]
knock (n) [door] toque (n) {m} [door]
knock (n) [door] golpe (n) {m} [door]
knock (v) [internal-combustion engine] golpetear (v) [internal-combustion engine]
knock (v) [door] golpear (v) [door]
knock (v) [general] golpear (v) [general]
knock latir
knock topar

EN ES Translations for down

down (o) [direction] hacia abajo (o) [direction]
down (o) [quantity] hacia abajo (o) [quantity]
down (o) [direction] abajo (o) [direction]
down (o) [position] abajo (o) [position]
down (a) [feelings] afligido (a) [feelings]
down (a) [feelings] desalentado (a) [feelings]
down (o) [money] contante (o) [money]
down (a) [feelings] desanimado (a) [feelings]
down (a) [feelings] deprimido (a) [feelings]
down (a) [feelings] abatido (a) [feelings]
EN Synonyms for knock down ES Translations
bring down [action] rebajar
fell [action] derribar
conquer [action] conquistar
knock out [action] poner fuera de combate
tackle [action] placaje {m}
hit [action] batido {m}
down [action] río abajo
beat up [fell with a blow] apalear
flatten [fell with a blow] pulimentar
thrash [fell with a blow] azotar
trample [fell with a blow] humillar
run over [fell with a blow] atropellar
raze [demolish] (formal abatir
smash [demolish] rotura {f}
destroy [demolish] derrotar
devastate [demolish] devastar
ravage [demolish] desolar
tear down [dismantle] demoler
strike [dismantle] clavar (informal)
dismount [dismantle] apear