Search term bribe has 9 results
EN English ES Spanish
bribe (v) [person] sobornar (v) [person]
bribe (v) [person] corromper (v) [person]
bribe (n) [crime] soborno (n) {m} [crime]
bribe (n v) [inducement to dishonesty] soborno (n v) {m} [inducement to dishonesty]
bribe (n v) [inducement to dishonesty] matraca (n v) {f} [inducement to dishonesty]
EN English ES Spanish
bribe (n v) [inducement to dishonesty] coima (n v) [inducement to dishonesty]
bribe (n v) [inducement to dishonesty] cohecho (n v) [inducement to dishonesty]
bribe (n v) [inducement to dishonesty] mordida (n v) [inducement to dishonesty]
bribe (n v) [inducement to dishonesty] alfadía (n v) [inducement to dishonesty] (n v)
EN Synonyms for bribe ES Translations
coerce [extort] pressionar
squeeze [extort] beliscar (informal)
force [extort] força {f}
blackmail [extort] chantagem {f}
coercion [extortion] coerção {f}
ransom [extortion] resgate {m}
payoff [extortion] recompensa {f}
corrupt [activity] corrupto
pay off [activity] trazer frutos
hire [activity] arrendamento {m}
buy [activity] engolir
extortion [bribe to ensure silence] extorsão (n)
graft [bribe to ensure silence] enxerto {m}
haul [bribe to ensure silence] traçãorar
theft [bribe to ensure silence] furto {m}
hush money [bribe to ensure silence] subornoer
lure [inducement] iscao
attraction [inducement] atraçãofísica
decoy [inducement] chamariz {m}
bait [inducement] engodo {m}