Search term blank has 9 results
EN English ES Spanish
blank (a) [look] vacuo (a) {m} [look]
blank (a) [document] en blanco (a) [document]
blank (o) [paper] en blanco (o) [paper]
blank blanco {m}
blank formulario {m}
blank roblon
blank espacio en blanco
blank (adj n v) [bullet that doesn't harm] cartucho de fogueo (adj n v) [bullet that doesn't harm] (adj n v)
blank (adj n v) [bullet that doesn't harm] bala de salva (adj n v) [bullet that doesn't harm] (adj n v)
EN Synonyms for blank ES Translations
empty [vacant] leeg
uninhabited [vacant] onbewoond
void [vacant] legen {n}
unoccupied [vacant] open
cipher [zero] nummer {n}
naught [zero] nihil {n}
zilch [zero] (informal nul {m}
nullity [zero] ongeldigheid {f}
zip [zero] pit {m}
nothing [zero] niemendal
vacuum [emptiness] stofzuigen
hollowness [emptiness] uitholling {f}
vacuity [emptiness] (formal domheid {f}
nothingness [emptiness] niets {n}
amazed [property] verwonderd
vacant [property] leeg
astonished [property] verwonderd
muddled [property] de kluts kwijt (informal)
perplexed [property] beteuterd
bewildered [property] onthutst