English Spanish
antelope antílope
antenatal prenatal
antenna antena
Antennaria Antennaria
Antenor Antenor
anterior anterior
Antero de Quental Antero de Quental
anteroom antesala
Anterooms Cola
Anteros Anteros
Antevorte Mitología romana
anthem himno
Anthem of the Azerbaijan SSR Himno de la RSS de Azerbaiyán
Anthem of the Byelorussian SSR Himno de la RSS de Bielorrusia
Anthem of the Tajik SSR Himno Nacional de Tayikistán
Anthem of the Ukrainian SSR Himno de la RSS de Ucrania
Anthemis arvensis Anthemis arvensis
Anthemis tinctoria Anthemis tinctoria
Anthemius Antemio
Anthemius of Tralles Antemio de Tralles
anther antera
Anthericum Anthericum
Anthesphoria Antesforia
Anthesteria Antesterias
anthill hormiguero
Anthocyanin Antocianina
Anthocyanins Antocianina
anthology antología
Anthology of Interest II Antología del interés II
Anthomyiidae Anthomyiidae
Anthony Antonio
Anthony Berkeley Cox Anthony Berkeley Cox
Anthony Blunt Anthony Blunt
Anthony Burgess Anthony Burgess
Anthony Daniels Anthony Daniels
Anthony Davidson Anthony Davidson
Anthony Eden Anthony Eden
Anthony Fokker Anthony Fokker
Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys
Anthony Giddens Anthony Giddens
Anthony Head Anthony Stewart Head
Anthony Hopkins Anthony Hopkins
Anthony Kiedis Anthony Kiedis
Anthony Mary Claret San Antonio María Claret
Anthony Minghella Anthony Minghella
Anthony of Padua Antonio de Padua
Anthony of Saxony Antonio
Anthony Perkins Anthony Perkins
Anthony Quinn Anthony Quinn
Anthony Stafford Beer Stafford Beer
Anthony the Great Antonio Abad
Anthony Trollope Anthony Trollope
Anthony van Dyck Anthony van Dyck
Anthoxanthum Anthoxanthum
Anthoxanthum odoratum Anthoxanthum odoratum
Anthozoa Anthozoa
anthozoans antozoarios
anthracite antracita