Search term zealous has 20 results
EN English DE German
zealous (adj) [full of zeal; ardent] begeistert (adj) [full of zeal; ardent]
zealous eilfertig
zealous dienstbeflissen
zealous tüchtig
zealous diensteifrig
zealous (a) [emotional behavior] feurig (a) [emotional behavior]
zealous (a) [emotional behavior] erpicht auf (a) [emotional behavior]
zealous (a) [emotional behavior] enthusiastisch (a) [emotional behavior]
zealous (a) [emotional behavior] eifrig bemüht (a) [emotional behavior]
zealous (a) [emotional behavior] begierig (a) [emotional behavior]
zealous (a) [person] strebsam (a) [person]
zealous (a) [emotional behavior] begeistert (a) [emotional behavior]
zealous (a) [person] fleißig (a) [person]
zealous (a) [person] emsig (a) [person]
zealous (a) [person] beflissen (a) [person]
zealous (a) beflissen (a)
zealous (a) [person] arbeitsam (a) [person]
zealous (a) [person] eifrig (a) [person]
zealous (adj) [full of zeal; ardent] eifrig (adj) [full of zeal; ardent]
zealous (a) eifrig (a)
EN Synonyms for zealous DE Translations
impatient [eager] impaciente
desirous [eager] deseoso
fervent [eager] ferviente
avid [eager] ávido
enthusiastic [eager] entusiástico
anxious [eager] receloso
eager [property] anhelante
impassioned [property] apasionado
spirited [property] animoso
earnest [property] serio
ardent [property] compasivo
devoted [character trait] afectuoso
faithful [character trait] fiel {m}
true [character trait] verdadero
loyal [character trait] fiel {m}
constant [character trait] constante {f}
sensational [enthusiastic] (informal sensacional
radiant [enthusiastic] radiante
glowing [enthusiastic] resplandeciente
pagan [idol-worshiping] pagano