Search term plage has 10 results
DE German EN English
Plage (n) [Person] {f} nuisance (n) [Person]
Plage (n) [Person] {f} pest (n) [Person]
Plage (n) [Insekten] {f} plague (n) [Insekten]
Plage (n) [Tiere] {f} plague (n) [Tiere]
Plage (n) [allgemein] {f} infestation (n) [allgemein]
Plage {f} toil
Plage {f} labor
Plage {f} menace
Plage {f} scourge
Plage (n v) [a persistent pest, illness, or source of trouble] {f} scourge (n v) [a persistent pest, illness, or source of trouble]

German English translations

DE Synonyms for plage EN Translations
Druck [Belastung] m stampa {f}
Last [Belastung] f peso {m}
Aktivität [Belastung] f attività {f}
Stress [Belastung] m tensione {f}
Mühe [Belastung] f stento {m}
Anstrengung [Belastung] f sforzo {m}
Aufregung [Belastung] f tumulto {m}
Bürde [Belastung] f fardello {m}
Bemühung [Belastung] (f sforzo {m}
Kraftaufwand [Belastung] REK
Mühsal [Belastung] f strapazzo {m}
Fron [Belastung] f lavoro ingrato {m}
Arbeit [Belastung] f lavoro {m}
Kopfzerbrechen [Belastung] n lavoro mentale {m}
Schufterei [Belastung] f sgobbata {f}
Beschwernis [Belastung] fn stento {m}
Beschwerlichkeit [Belastung] f strapazzo {m}
Mühseligkeit [Belastung] f durezza {f}
Plackerei [Belastung] f sgobbata {f}
Schinderei [Belastung] f sgobbata {f}