Search term night school has 3 results
EN English DE German
night school (n) [schools - universities] Abendschule (n) {f} [schools - universities]
night school Abendgymnasium
night school Abendunterricht

EN DE Translations for night

night (n) Abend (n) {m}
night (n) Nacht (n) {f}
night (n) [period] Nacht (n) {f} [period]

EN DE Translations for school

to school (v) [animals] abrichten (v) [animals]
to school (v) [animals] dressieren (v) [animals]
school schulen
school (v) schulen (v)
school (n) Schule (n) {f}
school (n v) [a department/institute at a college or university] Schule (n v) {f} [a department/institute at a college or university]
school (n) [education] Schule (n) {f} [education]
school (n) [ichthyology] Schule (n) {f} [ichthyology]
school (n) [ichthyology] Schwarm (n) {m} [ichthyology]
school Lehranstalt