English German
tumor Geschwulst
tumor antigen , TA Tumor-Antigen , TA
tumor antigens , TAs Tumor-Antigene , TAs
tumor at the base of the skull Geschwulst an der Schädelbasis
tumor bed Tumorbett
tumor biologist Tumorbiologe
tumor biology Tumorbiologie
tumor cachexia Tumorkachexie
tumor development Tumorentwicklung
tumor disease Tumorerkrankung
tumor dissemination Tumoraussaat
tumor DNA Tumor-DNA
tumor doubling time , TDT , TVDT Tumorverdopplungszeit
tumor formation Tumorbildung
tumor grasping forceps Tumorfasspinzette
Tumor marker Tumormarker
tumor markers Tumormarker
tumor necrosis factor , TNF Tumornekrosefaktor , TNF
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha Tumornekrosefaktor
tumor of choroid plexus Choroidalplexustumor
tumor of dental origin Zahntumor
tumor of mamma Brusttumor
tumor of nose Geschwulst der Nase
tumor of renal pelvis Nierenbeckentumor
tumor of testis Hodentumor
tumor of the adrenal cortex Nebennierenrindentumor
tumor of the base of the skull Schädelbasis-Tumor
tumor of the bladder Blasentumor
tumor of the bone Knochengeschwulst
tumor of the brain Gehirntumor
tumor of the breast Brusttumor
tumor of the cervix Gebärmutterhals-Tumor
tumor of the clitoris Klitorisgeschwulst
tumor of the epididymis Nebenhodentumor
tumor of the eye Augengeschwulst
tumor of the fallopian tube Eileitertumor
tumor of the gall bladder Gallenblasengeschwulst
tumor of the gallbladder Gallenblasengeschwulst
tumor of the heart Herzgeschwulst
tumor of the mamma Brusttumor
tumor of the mouth floor Geschwulst des Mundbodens
tumor of the mucous membrane Schleimhauttumor
tumor of the nose Geschwulst der Nase
tumor of the oral cavity Mundhöhlentumor
tumor of the parathyroid gland Geschwulst der Nebenschilddrüse
tumor of the penis Penis-Tumor
tumor of the pleura Geschwulst des Rippenfells
tumor of the renal pelvis Nierenbeckentumor
tumor of the skin Geschwulst der Haut