English German
toady katzbuckeln
toady to sb. vor jdm. kriechen
toadying speichelleckerisch
toadyism Speichelleckerei
Toamasina Toamasina
Toamasina Province Toamasina
Toarcian Toarcium
Toaripi Lauti Toaripi Lauti
toast anstoßen
Toast Hawaii Toast Hawaii
toast rack Toastständer
toast to toasten auf
toast-colored toastfarben
toast-coloured toastfarben
toasted gebäht
Toasted cheese sandwich with ham Toastbrot
toasted ham sandwich Schinkentoast
toaster Toaster
toaster oven Tisch-Backofen
toasters Toaster
toasting bähend
toasting fork Röstgabel
Toastmasters International Toastmasters
toasts bäht
toasty angenehm warm
Toba Toba
Toba catastrophe theory Toba-Katastrophen-Theorie
tobacco Kraut
tobacco addiction Tabakabhängigkeit
tobacco advertising prohibition Tabakwerbeverbot
tobacco alkaloid Tabak-Alkaloid
tobacco and alcohol amblyopia Tabak-Alkohol-Amblyopie
tobacco aphid Tabak-Blattlaus
tobacco bag suture Tabaksbeutelnaht
tobacco beetle kleiner Tabakkäfer
tobacco blend Tabakmischung
tobacco blue mold Blauschimmel des Tabaks
tobacco blue mould Tabakblauschimmel
Tobacco box Schnupftabaksdose
tobacco carrot Rolltabak
tobacco crop Tabakernte
tobacco cultivation Tabakanbau
tobacco dust Tabakstaub
tobacco duty Tabaksteuer
tobacco farming Tabakanbau
tobacco field Tabakfeld
tobacco group Tabakkonzern
tobacco grower Tabakpflanzer
tobacco growing Tabakanbau
tobacco harvest Tabakernte
tobacco harvester Tabakerntemaschine
tobacco heart Nikotinherz
tobacco industry Tabakindustrie
tobacco jar Tabakdose
tobacco juice Tabakbrühe
tobacco lung Tabakstaublunge
tobacco merchant Tabakhändler
tobacco monopoly Tabakmonopol
tobacco mosaic virus, TMV Tabakmosaikvirus , TMV
tobacco mosaic viruses, TMV Tabakmosaikviren , TMV
tobacco pipe Pfeife
tobacco plant Tabakpflanze
tobacco plantation Tabakplantage
tobacco plants Tabakpflanzen
tobacco pouch Tabaksbeutel
tobacco processing industry tabakverarbeitende Industrie
tobacco processing plant Tabakfabrik
tobacco product Tabakprodukt
Tobacco products Rauchwaren
Tobacco Road Die Tabakstrasse
tobacco roll Tabakrolle
tobacco sauce Tabakbeize
tobacco seed oil Tabaksalatöl
tobacco shop Tabaktrafik
tobacco shops Tabaksladen
Tobacco smoking Tabakrauchen
tobacco substitute Knaster
tobacco tax Tabaksteuer
tobacco tearer Tabakreißmaschine
tobacco tearers Tabakreißmaschinen
tobacco thrip Tabakblasenfuß
tobacco thrips Tabakblasenfuß
tobacco tin Tabakdose
tobacco trade Tabakgeschäft
tobacco twist Rolltabak
tobacco yield Tabakernte
tobacco-free tabakfrei
tobacco-growing region Tabakanbaugebiet
tobacconist Tabakhändler
tobacconist's Tabakladen
tobacconist's shop Tabakladen
tobacconist's shops Tabakwarenläden
tobacconist's store Tabakladen
tobacconists Tabakwarenhändler
Tobago Tobago
Tobaj Tobaj
tobamovirus Tobamovirus
tobamoviruses Tobamoviren
Tobe Futur
Tobe Hooper Tobe Hooper
Tobel-Tägerschen Tobel-Tägerschen
tobelite Tobelith
tobermorite Tobermorit
Tobey Maguire Tobey Maguire
Tobias Tobias
Tobias Mayer Tobias Mayer
Tobias Michael Carel Asser Tobias Asser
Tobias Smollett Tobias Smollett
Tobin Tobias
Tobin bronze seewasserfestes Sondermessing
Tobin tax Tobin-Steuer
Tobit model Tobit-Modell
Toblach Toblach
toboggan Schlitten
toboggan fun Rodelspaß
toboggan run Rodelbahn
toboggan slide Rodelbahn
tobogganed rodelte
tobogganer Rodler
tobogganers Rodler
tobogganing schlittelnd