English German
theologian Theologe
theologic theologisch
theological theologisch
Theological anthropology Theologische Anthropologie
theological college Kolleg
theological student Theologiestudent
theological studies Theologiestudium
theological training college Predigerseminar
theologically theologisch
Theologico-Political Treatise Tractatus theologico-politicus
theologies Theologien
theology Theologie
theology of conscience Gewissenstheologie
theology of creation Schöpfungstheologie
theology of crisis Krisentheologie
theology of election Erwählungstheologie
theology of experience Erfahrungstheologie
theology of human salvation Heilstheologie
theology of law Rechtstheologie
theology of martyrdom Märtyrertheologie
theology of ministry Amtstheologie
theology of mystery Mysterientheologie
theology of orders of creation Ordnungstheologie
theology of religion Religionstheologie
theology of religions Religionstheologie
theology of salvation Heilstheologie
theology of the cross Kreuzestheologie
theology of the Eucharist Eucharistielehre
theology of the Lord's Supper Abendmahlstheologie
theology of the Trinity Trinitätstheologie
theology of the word Worttheologie
theology studies Theologiestudium
Theon of Alexandria Theon von Alexandria
theonym Theonym
theopaschite theopaschitisch
Theophanes the Confessor Theophanes
Theophanes the Cretan Theophanes Strelitzas Bathas
Theophanes the Greek Feofan Grek
Theophanis Lamboukas Théo Sarapo
Theophano Theophanu die Ältere
Theophanu Theophanu
theophany Theophanie
Theophil Freiherr von Hansen Theophil von Hansen
Theophilos Theophilos
Theophilus Theophilus
Theophilus North Theophilus North oder Ein Heiliger wider Willen
Theophilus of Alexandria Theophilos von Alexandria
Theophilus of Antioch Theophilus
Theophilus Presbyter Theophilus Presbyter
Theophrastaceae Theophrastaceae
Theophrastus Theophrastos von Eresos
Theophylact Simocatta Theophylaktos Simokates
theophylline Theophyllin
theophylline intoxication Theophyllinintoxikation
theophylline poisoning Theophyllinvergiftung
Theopompus Theopompos
Theora Theora
Theorbist Theorbe
theorbo Theorbe
theorem Satz
theorem calculus Theoremrechnung
theorem of Banach-Mackey Satz von Banach-Mackey
theorem of Banach-Mazur Satz von Banach-Mazur
theorem of Banach-Steinhaus Satz von Banach-Steinhaus
theorem of Bauer-Fike Satz von Bauer-Fike
theorem of Bayes Satz von Bayes
theorem of Beltrami and Enneper Satz von Beltrami-Enneper
theorem of Beppo Levi Satz von Beppo Levi
theorem of Berry-Esseen Satz von Berry-Esseen
theorem of Bloch Satz von Bloch
theorem of Borsuk-Ulam Satz von Borsuk-Ulam
theorem of Bose Satz von Bose
theorem of Brahmagupta Satz von Brahmagupta
theorem of Brauer-Suzuki Satz von Brauer-Suzuki
theorem of Brianchon Satz von Brianchon
theorem of Brooks Satz von Brooks
theorem of Cantor-Bendixson Satz von Cantor-Bendixson
theorem of Carnot Satz von Carnot
theorem of Cartan-Hadamard Satz von Cartan-Hadamard
theorem of Casey Satz von Casey
theorem of Casorati and Weierstrass Satz von Weierstrass-Casorati
theorem of Cauchy Satz von Cauchy
theorem of Cauchy-Binet Satz von Binet-Cauchy