English German
quoin Keil
quoins Mauerecken
quoit Ring
quoits Ringe
Quoll Beutelmarder
quondam ehemalig
quone beruhigen
quonset Wellblechhütte
Quonset hut Wellblechhütte
quorate beschlussfähig
Quorthon Thomas Forsberg
quorum Quorum
Quorum sensing Quorum sensing
Quot homines, tot sententiae. Quot homines, tot sententiae.
quota Anteil
quota of catch Fangquote
quota of earned income Arbeitseinkommensquote
quota refugee Kontingentflüchtling
quota refugees Kontingentflüchtlinge
quota sample Quotenstichprobe
quota samples Quotenstichproben
quota sampling Quotenverfahren
quota share treaty Quotenrückversicherungsvertrag
quota system Quotenregelung
quota-fixing cartel Quotenkartell
quotable anführbar
quotas Anteile
quotas of catch Fangquoten
quotation Angebot
quotation date Angebotsdatum
quotation fee Börsezulassungsgebühr
quotation fees Börsezulassungsgebühren
quotation from the Bible Bibelwort
quotation from the Koran Koranwort
quotation list Kursblatt
quotation lists Kursblätter
quotation mark Anführungszeichen
quotation marks Anführungszeichen
quotation of exchange Devisennotierung
quotation of exchange rates Devisennotierung
quotation of foreign exchange Devisennotierung
quotation of foreign exchange rates Devisennotierung
quotation of prices Preisnotierung
quotation of the price Preisangabe
quotation ticker Kurs-Ticker
Quotation-mark Anführungszeichen
quotations Anführungen
quotations board Kurstafel
quotations boards Kurstafeln
Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong Die Worte des Vorsitzenden Mao
quotations from the Bible Bibelworte
quotations from the Koran Koranworte
quotative zitierend
quote notieren