English German
native compiler maschinenspezifischer Kompilierer
Native copper Kupfer
native countries Vaterländer
native country Heimat
native customs einheimische Bräuche
native DNA native DNA
Native Drums 17 Peitschenhiebe
native enzyme natives Enzym
native file format programmeigenes Dateiformat
native folklore einheimische Folklore
native format Ursprungsformat
native ginger Australische Blaue Alpinie
native gold Berggold
native hydrocarbon natürlicher Kohlenwasserstoff
native industry einheimische Industrie
native inhabitants Urbevölkerung
native insects einheimische Insekten
native island Geburtsinsel
native land Heimatland
native language Muttersprache
native language ... muttersprachlich
native law Eingeborenenrecht
native lead gediegenes Blei
native mercury reines Quecksilber
native metal gediegenes Metall
native of gebürtig
native of Aachen Aachener
Native of Avila Avilés
Native of Barcelona Barcelonès
native of Berlin Berliner
native of Bern Berner
native of Bonn Bonnerin
native of Bremen Bremerin
native of Budapest Budapester
native of Cologne Kölner
native of Cottbus Cottbuser
native of Darmstadt Darmstädterin
native of Duisburg Duisburger
native of Essen Essener
native of Frankfurt Frankfurterin
native of Halle Hallenserin
native of Hamburg Hamburger
native of Hanover Hannoveraner
native of Jena Jenaer
native of Kassel Kasseler
native of Liverpool Liverpoolerin
native of London Londoner
native of Mainz Mainzerin
native of Muenster Münsteranerin
native of Munich Münchner
native of Munster Munsteranerin
native of Münster Münsteranerin
native of Nassau Nassauer
native of Nuremberg Nürnbergerin
native of Prague Prager
native of Rome Römer
Native of the Balearic Isles Balearisch
Native of the Canary Isles Kanarienvogel
native of Tokyo Tokioter
native of Verona Veroneser
native of Vienna Wiener