English German
manufacturability Herstellbarkeit
manufacture erzeugen
manufacture capitalism Manufakturkapitalismus
Manufacture nationale de Sèvres Manufacture royale de porcelaine de Sèvres
manufacture of artificial stones Kunststeinerzeugung
manufacture of chemical equipment chemischer Apparatebau
manufacture of electric motors Elektromotorenbau
manufacture of jewellery Bijouterie-Manufaktur
manufacture of jewelry Bijouterie-Manufaktur
manufacture of musical instruments Musikinstrumentenbau
manufacture of ready-made clothes Konfektion
manufacture of ready-made clothing Konfektion
manufacture of ready-to-wear clothes Konfektion
manufacture of ready-to-wear clothing Konfektion
Manufacture of ships Schiffbau
manufacture of signs Schilderherstellung
manufacture of timepieces Uhrenerzeugung
manufacture presetting Fabrikeinstellung
manufacture ready-to-wear etw. konfektionieren
manufacture setting Fabrikeinstellung
manufacture to order Einzelanfertigung
manufactured hergestellt
manufactured article Fabrikware
manufactured goods Fabrikware
manufactured ice cream Kunstspeiseeis
manufactured ready-to-wear konfektioniert
manufactured to dimension maßgefertigt
manufacturer Erzeuger
manufacturer certification Herstellerbescheinigung
manufacturer certifications Herstellerbescheinigungen
manufacturer of cigars Zigarrenmacherin
manufacturer of commercial vehicles Nutzfahrzeugbauer
manufacturer of couplings and fittings Armaturenhersteller
manufacturer of firearms Schusswaffenhersteller
manufacturer of fittings Armaturenhersteller
manufacturer of hunting weapons Jagdwaffenhersteller
manufacturer of kitchens Küchenhersteller
manufacturer of printing inks Druckfarbenhersteller
manufacturer of small arms Schusswaffenhersteller
manufacturer of sound carriers Tonträgerhersteller
manufacturer of sporting arms Sportwaffenhersteller
manufacturer of sporting firearms Sportwaffenhersteller
manufacturer of sporting guns Sportwaffenhersteller
manufacturer of sports cars Sportwagenhersteller
manufacturer of utility vehicles Nutzfahrzeugbauer
manufacturer specifications Herstellerangaben
manufacturer's declaration Herstellererklärung ~Konformitätserklärung
manufacturer's information Herstellerangaben